Bloodborne Wiki
Boom Hammer
Boom Hammer
In the Hunter's Nightmare, inside the dark building's lower floor, that is near the river of blood.
Physical ATK 90/180
Blood ATK -
Arcane ATK -
Fire ATK 60/120
Bolt ATK - Attr. Bonus
QS Bullet Use - Strength Skill Bloodtinge Arcane
Durability 100 C/A E - D/C
Special Att. Attr. Req.
Slow Poison Rapid Poison ATK vs Kin ATK vs Beasts Strength Skill Bloodtinge Arcane
0 0 100 100 14 8 - -
Weapon Info
Weapon Type Right Hand Weapons
Transform hammer, fire hammer
Imprints Normal (Radial, Radial, Waning)

Boom Hammer is a Trick Weapon in The Old Hunters DLC.


In-Game Description

A trick weapon used by the old hunters, and crafted by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs.
A giant hammer equipped with a miniature furnace. When ignited and fired, it emits a volley of flame that explodes furiously upon impact.
Crush the beasts, then burn them - the brute simplicity of the Boom Hammer was favored by hunters with an acute distaste for beasts.



The Boom Hammer is a weapon that is quite similar in function and strategy, as the Tonitrus, as such, it is very straightforward.

All its attacks deal Blunt damage with a small, yet noticeable amount of Fire damage. However, the weapon lacks a transformed state, instead, the player cocks the firing hammer on the Boom Hammer, and it activates the miniature furnace within.

This fire buff is permanent, not temporary, but from this point, the following attack will deal massive fire damage, but only for one hit. This attack also deals a small swathe or blast of fire, that can hit enemies with its range, potentially hitting or killing multiple opponents. Its charge attack is extremely deadly when the buff is active.

This makes the weapon extremely powerful with high chances of managing one-hit kills on even enemies with high health. And the fire damage is sure to obliterate any Beast-type enemy.


  • The transformed version's fire buff only lasts for one hit. It must be re-transformed to re-apply the buff.
  • It is very similar, in its use and strategy, to the Tonitrus. However, while Tonitrus focuses on consistent high damage, the Boom Hammer's focus is on extremely devastating single hits.
  • Its transformation attack is extremely useful and quick.


  • It is the weapon of choice of the most aggressive variant of Old Hunters.
  • The hammer itself has protrusions like the ones used to "tenderize" meat. This truly shows the brutality of the weapon.
  • The location where this weapon is found is highly reminiscent of a similar building in Central Yharnam.



Bloodborne Old Hunters DLC - PvP - Boom Hammer OHK

