Bloodborne Wiki
Oil Urn
Max No. Held 10
Max Stored 99
Usage Type Finite
QS Bullet Use QS Bullet Use -
Attribute Bonus
Strength D Skill - Bloodtinge - Arcane -
Attribute Requirement
Strength - Skill - Bloodtinge - Arcane -
Sold by the Messengers after obtaining the Powder Keg Hunter Badge.
Random loot.

An Oil Urn is a consumable item in Bloodborne.


In-Game Description

When this urn hits its mark, the target is drenched in oil, and made extremely flammable.
Fire is commonplace on the hunt, and oil urns accentuate its effect. Sometimes, when hunters burn beasts, they appear intoxicated by the euphoria of purification.



Throwing an urn at an enemy will cover it in oil. This can be used in conjunction with a Molotov Cocktail (or any source of fire damage, like the Torch or Fire Paper) to increase the amount of fire damage dealt.


  • If a player has been hit by an Oil Urn, an orange symbol below the health bar will appear to show that you have increased vulnerability to fire, and must let some time expire before they are safe. Being hit by a fire source will cause an explosion that severely damages the player. Standing on "Oil Pools" produces the same effect, but the player loses the status effect as soon as they leave the pool of oil.


  • The Oil Urn somewhat resembles the Firebomb icon from Dark Souls.