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Unholy Confessions is the fifth chapter of my fifth fanfiction, "The Fallen Lancer". This chapter is going to be the shortest in this fanfiction by a decent margin, but it is still really good. This is the last chapter that is not very long. Enjoy. 

Unholy Confessions []

After heading to my room in the inn after getting drunk with Elena's shit head of a husband, I decided to go to sleep earlier than usual. I had a very strange dream that night, and it was about Uncle Gregory and Filip fighting to the death, but then I killed both of them. Strange. 

After waking up from that fucking stupid dream that I had, I wanted to go visit Uncle Gregory again, and tell him that I was sorry. When I visited by Uncle, he said that he would never forgive me. I told him that he made a very poor choice, and that I hope that he never leaves prison. 

Following that, I wanted to go see Elena, but she was not home. I found her at the market. I told her that I was sorry about getting Uncle Gregory arrested, and that I would not get a family member arrested again. She said that she forgives me. I was about to leave, but she stopped me, saying that there was something that I needed to know. I was hoping it would be good news, but it wasn't. 

She told me to meet her near the Gray Quarter of all places at nighttime. Why couldn't she have just whispered in my ear? So, at about 9:00 at night, I went to the meeting place, ready to hear some bad news. I was not expecting what she told me. 

She said that about 8 months after I left home, she gave birth to our child. It was a boy, and it looked kind of like me. But the baby was born with an uncurable disease, and only lived for 2 days. This made me regret leaving home 15 years ago. 

Unfortunately, I didn't know that Thomas was eavsdropping on our conversation. 

Credits []

I hope that you enjoyed chapter 5. This is a very dark chapter, and things will get pretty fucked up afterwards. Tell me what you think in the comments. 

I tried to make what happened to Harold and Elena’s child seem like actual incest, but that was kind of weird.
